
Gms Tangnyu Village Silver Jubilee manaishe

Government Middle School, Tangnyu Village, Mon khan 26th October, 2018‘Learn and Shine.’ Laga theme bithor te  silver jubilee manaishe  .Etu te EAC Longshen, Imliwabang Aier, NCS, chief thakishe .Etu din ekta ase pioneers khan ke yaad kura kun khan bishi kaam kurishe etu school akhe te aha toh . Imliwabang Aier etu silver jubilee mana time te kotha kuwa time te koishe  .Tai koishe ekta bhal school thaka toh teachers khan  tai khan laga subject khan te dhyan diya aro  students khan ke special attention diya  etu bi school laga bhal nimete  . Chairman, Tangnyu Village Council, Y. Tangwang Molemshu, SDEO Mon and Retired Teacher, Nyemje pora short speech dishe  .Etu programme toh  Assistant Teacher GMS, P. Mongyen pora loishe  . VEC Chairman GMS Tangnyu Village, Nokpho pora welcome address dishe  aro  Youth Director TBC, Tingmei invocation prayer kurishe  . Esther Yokam, Penjai aro saathi khan pora  special songs dishe .Etu school laga student khan pora cultural dance kurishe .