
Kohima DPDB Meeting loishe

KOHIMA, OCTOBER 15 : Kohima District Planning and Development Board khan  Deputy Commissioner and Vice Chairman DPDB, Rajesh Soundararajan, IAS logote Conference Hall DC Office, Kohima laga  15th October 2018 te moina laga meeting loishe .Etu meeting te poila laga meeting te ki ki kotha khan koishe etu laga olop kotha khan koishe etu din laga agenda te kotha koishe .Society laga registration nimete DC pora khobor dishe ki  7ta applicants fresh registration society nimete Screening committee khan pora sai she etu time te board khan manishe etu sorkar khan ke dibo saidibole karne  .Etu meeting time te DC aro Vice Chairman DPDB  pora District Level Control Committee Tobacco Control, nimete ki ki kurishe etu te kotha koishe  aro etu te committee khan mon dikena  tobacco free schools colleges aro institutions khan   Kohima district  bithor te bonaidishe .Etu nimete DC pora sob District Head Officers milikema office kha ke tobacco free bonaidibi koikena   ‘Tobacco Free’ Government Offices karne .Etu meetung te  DPDP din aro annual picnic Kezocha te November moina te manabole laga kotha janaishe.Etu nimete DC pora khobor dishe ekta committee olabole ase  ADC Hqr. LithronglaTongpiRutsa logote etu programme olabole nimete .Aro bi khobor dishe best Adoption Committee award  January moina te lobole thakibole nimete .Etu karne  DC pora sob Adoption Committees khan tai khan laga activities olabi koikena janaishe aro activities kun khan etia tak khotom huwanai December moina te khotom kuribi koikena janaishe . Chief Medical Officer Kohima, Dr. RituThurr  pora bi etu house ke khobor dishe Measles Rubella Vaccination nimete aro khobor dishe  Kohima district te October 23rd pora shuru kuribole ase .Aro Dr. MenuosietuoTseikha, District Project Officer Kohima, Department of Land Resources department’s major activities PMKSY (erstwhile IWMP), Springshed Development aro  Coffee Plantation  Kohima district pora luwa te kotha koikena janaishe .