
BHANDARI te ahibole thaka NSF conference nimete meeting loishe

Advisor, Mmhonlumo Kikon para  ahibole thaka  Naga Students Federation (8 to 11 May) nimete Bhandari laga sob  head of offices aro orgainsing committee khan logote May 2 2019 te meeting loishe .Etu meeting toh  ADC’s conference hall, Bhandari te loishe .

Advisor, Mmhonlumo Kikon para head of offices students’ leaders, public leaders aro alag alag committees laga members khan ke khushi janaishe. Kelay koile mondikena ahibole  thaka conference nimete kaam kura nimete. Aro koishe ki etu sob manu khan laga duty ase, etu event toh bishi bhal kurai dibole nimete .

Etu conference  laga status nimete bi kotha kurishe. President, Lotha Students Union, Libemo Tsopoe, Co-convenor conference laga  Jungithung Yanthan para bi ki ki kaam khotom kurishe aro ki ki kaam chuli ase etu uporte kotha kurishe .

Kaam khan raasta dangor kuribole  , sapha kuribole aro jaam kuribole ,delegates khan nimete ghor , electrification khotom kuribole,power supply dibole  , network service bhal kuribole  ,sanitation, paani thik thak thakibole  , transportation  ,medical aro health care arrangement security preparedness, financial mobilisation aro physical infrastructures khan  laga kotha kurishe .

Etu eki din te Advisor, ADC Bhandari, Tiameren Chang HoOs ,student leaders aro committee laga members khan etu conference monolith erection site,conference pandal site  aro bui  bole thaka jaka khan te jaishe. Aro bi ekbar kaam kinika chuli ase etu khan bi saishe .