
Plastic Pollution nimete Awareness Programme loishe

DIMAPUR,AUGUST 31,2019: Eco-Club & SU: SASRD khan   Atsi & Co logote  milaikena  NU SASRD Medziphema Campus Kevin Zehol Guest of Honour  27th August 2019  te “Minimising plastic pollution for cleaner environment” laga theme bithor te  awareness programme loishe  .

Guest of Honour para tai laga short speech te  plastic pollution laga  khatra uporte kotha kurishe aro  plastic pollution komti kuribole nimete importance aro purpose uporte kotha kurishe  .

Tai aro koishe slogan ekla para modot nakuribo aro ami khan laga environment ke nabachabo etu toh ami khan laga duty ase ami khan laga  environment aro resources khan ke bachabole nimete .

Atsi Jamir event coordinator NITCA para awareness programme uporte kotha kurishe aro tai khan laga aims ekta plastic free zone bonabole nimete kotha kurishe.

Etu programme toh  by Atsungpong Longchar General Secretary, SU: SASRD. Para loishe  aro  Moangsenla Pongen para Invocation kurishe  Professor AK Makar Dean, NU: SASRD para welcome address dishe  . Eco-Club SASRD para environment pollution laga short skit kurishe  aro  Wonchibeni N. Odyuo President, Eco-Club: SASRD para vote of thanks dishe.