
Cabinet Committee para Asset Monetization nimete

NATIONAL | Sept 09, 2020: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs Asset Monetization of subsidiaries Power Grid Corporation of India Limited- (PowerGrid) Infrastructure Investment Trust  nimete approve kurishe.

Etu  toh  Power  Grid para  approve kurishe    monetization Tariff-Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) assets,           existing Special Purpose Vehicle (SPVs), luwa toh Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvIT) para.

Etu approval para  PowerGrid koe  facilitate kuribo  assets  monetization  lobole  nimete   its identified TBCB transmission assets InvIT, para lobole  nimete etu para  protocols khan asset  monetization  be  fresh investment nimete chulabole paribo  transmission network expansion nimete   aro company laga   capital investment nimete.

First block te Power Grid   toh    paanchta TBCB assests khan monetize kurishe   gross block para 7164 crore rupees te.experience  paikena     aro bi monetization t oh   future te kuribo.

Monetization nimete assets khan toh  InvIT  para  operational assets khan  ase     Power Grid laga thaka   manpower para chulabole nimete  akhe para  hi etu kaam nimete rakha toh aro      aro etu     nimete aro bi nanu khan  rakhibole nimete etu karne ase.

Etu assets monetization  nimete proposed kura toh InvIT para operational assets ase       etia  laga  Power grid laga     thaka   manpower para   chulabole thaka  toh  akhe te para halikena ase etu nimete aro etu  nimete  aro    employment  generation nathakibo  etu khan nimete.

Hoilebi additional  employment  opprortunities    khan   services khan thakibo  InvIT logote    etu  te merchant banking, legal advisory, trusteeship, financial and taxation consultancy, valuation, printing, advertisement aro allied activities khan thakibo.

CAPEX Plan PowerGrid aha   two years 2020-21 aro  2021-22 nimete  20 thousand 500 crore rupees ase.government  khan  para ekta enabling  regulatory  aro taxation frame work olaishe InvITs and the proposed InvIT nimete    Power  Grid para etu  market ke  giraidibo.

InvIT para ekta  opportunity dibo general public aro institutional    investors nimete etu te Pension Funds, Mutual Funds, etu investment para  laaph pabole  nimete aro  Infrastructure  sector uthabole nimete kaam kuribole nimete ase.