
Indian Agricultural Research Institute’s Assam campus shuru kurishe

GUWAHATI | SEPT 27, 2020: Union Minister of Agriculture Narendra Singh Tomar para  Indian Agricultural Research Institute’s (IARI) Assam campus shuru  kurishe aro koise  etu  institute khula para    farm education aro research activities   Northeast te uthabo.

official statement   te koishe ki Friday te minister para   desh  ke  new IARI Gogamukh Assam, te campus dedicate  kurishe.

Union Cabinet May 2017 te Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) Assam over Rs 155 crore te  bonabole  nimete manishe etu bi     agri-education promote kuribole  nimete aro  second  green  revolution  northeastern region te ola bole  nimete.

Statement te koishe “prefabricated building toh tayar hoishe  students  khan laga classes  admit kuribole nimete 2020-21 session karne  IARI, Assam campus te shuru kuribo.etu pichede tinta division kaam shuru kuribo etu te Division of Crop Improvement, Division of Horticulture and Division of Animal Science & Fisheries khan ase.”

Occasion te kotha  kura samay te  tomar khobor dishe ki  IARI, Assam toh  Deen Dayal Upadhyaya laga  naam te hobo.

Tai koishe     etu institute bona  para agricultural  education  laga  development  nimete thakibo etu bi Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim, etu logote assam bi ase.

Statement te koise ki Government  khan  kaam  kuri ase    agricultural sector toh kara kuribole nimete ase challenges   population utha  laga   aro climate change meeting toh khotom kuribole  nimete aro thik thak khaa luwa thakibole nimete ase sob samay te.

farm scientists para role  play kura te khushi janaikena   green  revolution ana  nimete     alag  alag  high yielding   seed aro crop laga kisim te tomar koishe desh toh etia    self sufficient hi nohoikena     food grains laga surplus ase.

Government  khan kaam kuri  ase etu gaps khan  rukhabole nimete development process te aro  etu nimete nutun  agricultural  research institutes   khan Jharkhand aro assam te bonaishe.

Minister para     climate change aro water scarcity laga  kota kurishe etu toh important ase  crop diversification  lobole  nimete aro alag  alag kisim olabole  nimete kuntu te   paani   komti lageh olabole nimete.

Tai para locally grown crops  laga  importance  farmers’ income and export opportunities uporte uthabole nimete laga ase.

Assam Chief Minister Sarbanand Sonowal para  Prime Minister Narendra Modi ke IARI, Assam bona nimete khushi janaishe aro bhabona kurishe etu institute toh  objective khan fulfil kuribo.

Tai para research activities uporte kotha  locally grown horticultural crops region laga  te etu  bi farm income small aro marginal  farmers khan nimete.

Tai bhabona kurishe ki etu   northeastern states toh aro bi   “Bowl of Rice” laga naam para janibo ICAR-IARI, Assam laga  modot para.