Headlines National

Gujarat’s 12-Hour Workday “Anti-Labour” Notification hataishe

New Delhi: Supreme Court para Gujarat government april moina te notification diya toh hataidishe lockdown samay te  kuntu para state laga sob factory      ke  workhsifts uthabole  nimete   koishe 12 hours tak   akhe aat ghonta para aro   overtime  payment  toh half  kuri diya toh hataidishe.court para aro  bi state ke  koishe workers khan ke overtime due dibole  nimete   original rate te.

three-judge bench of Justices DY Chandrachud, Indu Malhotra and KM Joesph para etu verdict toh     video conferencing para diya  te koishe”etu workers khan ke dukh nadibole lageh    enika samay te.etu toh thik jawab  nohai    .right to employment  aro fair wage toh    right to life laga  part ekta ase.”

Court  aro koishe “etu  pandemic  ke     internal emergency  nishena  nathakibole  lageh  nation   laga security te dukh dikena    etu law  laga  requirements khan te nasaikena.”

Etu judgement  diya toh Gujarat Mazdoor Sabha para  petition file  kura  diya  te thakishe.union khan para Gujarat Labour and Employment Department’s decision te challenged kurishe factories khan ke exempt kura toh  Factories Act-1948 governing payment of overtime wages, working hours fixed for the workers aro resting intervals, dusra  April to July tak diya  laga  thakishe.

Gujarat toh choita states majhotte ekta thakishe    kuntu  para lamba  shifts khan  nimete hokum dishe workers nimete coronavirus lockdown pichede. Alag alag  Several lockdown-hit businesses khan  para  wages khan  pura  dibole napara nimete mondukh janaishe.

Etu states  Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan – laga  government   koishe    am toh  sabole ase ki companies khan komti workers logote kaam kuribole nimete aro shifts khan komti kuribole nimete aro targets khan  meet kurikena