NEW DELHI: Union Health Ministry para Tuesday te guidelines khan olaishe etu bi COVID-19 aro dusra seasonal epidemic-prone diseases etu te dengue, malaria, seasonal influenza (H1N1) and chikungunya khan laga management nimete.
Etu Ministry para koishe ekta high indec suspicion toh maintain kuribole lageh epidemic-prone diseases nimete etu toh ekta geographic region nimete monsoon aro post monsoon season te.
Bacterial co-infections toh moderate nohoile biya cases covid19 nimete seasons nimete nohoikena thakibole lageh.
Ministry para koise ki ICMR para test kuribole nimete kuwa toh covid 19 nimete aro manu khan ke recommend kura toh etu programme para vector-borne diseases nimete etu te malaria, dengue and chikungunya and the NCDC for seasonal influenza, leptospirosis, and scrub typhus toh follow kuribole lageh.Aro rapid diagnostic kits COVID-19 treatment facilities te ase na nai sabole nimete.
World Health Organization (WHO) case definition hisaab te ekta covid 19 case toh thakibole pareh acute onset bukhar aro khasi thakikena nohoile toh acute onset komti hoilebi duita nohoile tita signs nohoile toh symptoms khan fever, cough, general weakness/fatigue, headache, myalgia, sore throat, coryza, dyspnoea, anorexia/nausea/ vomiting, diarrhoea, altered mental status thakile toh.
Etu nishena ekta high index suspicion malaria/dengue nimete thakibole lageh judi ekta bukhar laga case covid19 olaishe koile toh etu bi paani gira aro post rainy season samay te areas etu bemar thaka jaka phaneh.
Guidelines hisaab te COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza Influenza-Like Illness (ILI)/SARI, thaka ase etu nimete sob ILI/SARI cases COVID-19 cases te thaka jaka khan te evaluate kurikena test kuribole lageh COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza nimete judi duita viruses toh population te olai ase koile toh.
Document te koikena janaishe ki Chikungunya thaka toh acute onset logote eman jor para bi nohoikena para high-grade continuous fever and malaise tak etu logote rash, myalgia and arthralgia logote thakibo. Respiratory failure para late stages te thakibo. Coinfection COVID-19 logote Chikungunya endemic areas te thakibo monsoon moina phaneh.
Scrub typhus toh Himalayas laga foot hills etu te Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya, etc te thakeh.
Hoilei olop akhe phaneh scrub typhus outbreaks toh Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala te bi olai thakishe.
Ministry koikena janaishe ki Etu clinical picture te sudden high-grade fever, severe headache, apathy, myalgia and generalised lymphadenopathy khan ase. Scrub typhus infection toh COVID-19 logote milikena thakibo.
Aro koikena janaishe ki COVID-19 laga kunba patients khan ekta secondary bacterial infection experience kureh.enika case te empiric antibiotic therapy logote local antibiogram hisaab te sabole lageh.
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