
Mumbai Police para  Fake Ratings Case  nimete

Mumbai: Republic TV  laga  duita  top editors   kun khan ke  bodnam kurishe   viewership  rating toh te support kura nimete Mumbai Police para matishe etu bi   three channels laga  alleged rating manipulation nmete.etu    channel para etu nutun summons ke   “desperate witch-hunt” matishe.

Executive Editor Niranjan Narayanaswamy and Senior Executive Editor Abhishek Kapoor ke Tuesday  din te    Mumbai police para matishe.tai khan ke  Crime Intelligence Unit te saam te ahibole   janaishe.

Etu   chan bin  kura toh alleged   fake ratings case  te  Hansa    private company viewership sai thaka khan  para complaint kura pichede.

Etu channel para koishe  ki   etu  duita editors khan ke police para    documents laga source     Hansa  khan logote thaka toh mangishe.

Etu  duita tv channel laga malik ke thurishe aro  Republic TV laga directors  aro promoters  khan  ke    etu rating fraud nimete hudah hudi kuri ase.

Police  khan para Tuesday te  hansa  laga employees khan Pravin Nizar and Nitin Deokar  laga  statement record kurishe.

Sunday te  Republic TV laga  senior  official  ke hudah hudi kurise. Republic TV – kun para highest TRPs or Television Rating Points  paishe  news channel  bithor te  koishe tai khan ke target kurishe tai khan laga  coverage nimete  actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, karne kuntu te   tai khan  Mumbai police laga role te hudah hudih  kurishe.

Republic TV toh sobse dangor naam ahise  etu chan bin  kura te etu te viewership para koishe tai khan para     pay  kurishe  etu channel ke rakhibole  nimete etu bi tai khan nasaa samay te.

Etu  dusra duita toh Maharashtra called Fakt Marathi and Box Cinema laga local channels khan ase.