October 22,2020: Delhi court para Thursday din te former Aam Aadmi Party Councillor Tahir Hussain para tinta cases te bail application diya toh mananai.etu bi evidence khan thaka nimete tai delhi riots te active role thaka nimete aro tai para tai laga power aro political clout chula nimete planning te kingpin thaka nimete.
Etu former political leader toh court te jaishe bail mangikena tinta cases te etu bi delhi riots nimete .etu hi ekla nohoikena hussaiim ke bodnam kurishe dusra aata cases te communal riots nimete.february moina te pro citizenship law supporters and anti-CAA protesters khan majhotte chamela ola toh out of control hoikena 53 manu murishe aro 748 manu khan jhokom paishe.
Etu tinta applications toh hataidikena Additional Sessions Judge Vinod Yadav para koikena kamosje ki”etu toh ekta prima facie ase tai para tai laga muscle power aro political clout chulaishe kigpin nishena act kuribole planning, instigating arp communal conflagration te jui olaidiya toh. Mui para etu te material khan paishe record te etu te kobole nimete etu applicant thaka toh spot te aro rioters khan kotha kuri thakishe.”
Court para aro bi koikena janaishe ki tai para rioters khan ke human weapons nishena chulai she kun khan kun hoilebi murabole paribo thakishe .judge para koikena janaishe ki ” Delhi riots 2020 toh ekta jhokom thakishe desh laga conscience nimete etu toh ekta major global power nimete.etu allegation applicant laga khilaaf toh dikdaar ase nature te.”
Court para koishe ki etu te evidence khan para independent witnesses khan para kobole nimete ki etu applicat thaka toh crime laga spot te aro rioters khan ke exhort kuri thakishe.
Senior advocate K.K. Manon aro advocate Uditi Bali,hussain ke represent kura para koishe ki tai client ke etu chamela te misa misi anishe investigation agency khan para aro tai laga political rivals khan ase etu bi tai laga naam bodnma kuribole nimete law laga machinery abuse kurikena.”
Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) Manoj Chaudhary para etu tinta bail pleas ke khilaaf kurishe aro koishe Hussain laga call record details te tai toh crime laga jaka te thaka nimete etu hadsaa huwa din te.
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