New Delhi: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) para banks logot ATM cash withdrawal nemite fee toh Rs 20 to para 21 per transaction othaboli janaishe, etu January 1, 2022 para effect hoboli koishe. Customers khan para 5 free transactions (inclusive of financial aro non-financial transactions) hotai moina nejor laga bank ATMs para poisa olaboli paribo, etu oper te free transactions (inclusive of financial aro non-financial transactions) toh dosura ATMs para be paribo. Tinta(3) transactions toh metro centres aro 5 transactions toh non-metro centres te, hoilebi free transactions oper te transactions korile toh ceiling/cap customer charges toh per transaction te Rs 20 charge koribo. “bank logot higher interchange fee thibo nemite customer laga hath para per transaction te Rs 21 charges lobo koishe. Etu kotha toh January 1, 2022 para soruh koribo, koikena RBI para notification te janaishe. Central bank para interchange fee toh per transaction te Rs 15 para Rs 17 toh financial transactions samai charge koribo aro centres sob te non-financial transactions samai Rs 5 para Rs 6 dak toh August 1, 2021 para soruh koribo. RBI para June 2019 saal te committee ekta bona te chairmanship of the Chief Executive, Indian Banks’ Association pithor te gamut of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) charges aro fees toh interchange structure ATM transactions samai tai para saboli koishe. Etu nemite committee recommendations toh itya saikena jai ase. August 2012 saal te, interchange fee structure ATM transactions toh last putli korishe aro August 2014 saal te customers para charges pay koriboli toh last revised korishe.
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