Headlines International

Myanmar Army, anti-junta fighters majote gongol para arobe 25 jun morise

Agencies, 06 July: Myanmar laga central part te, Myanmar military logote gondogol how ate komti hoilebe 25 civilians aro anti-junta fighters morise. Etu khobor toh bosti manu khan para koise.

Myanmar te gondogol thaka toh February te military kabja bechite ase aro etu para Aung San Suu Kyi laga elected government hataideya thakise.

Media khobor hisab te, junta para crackdown suru kora samai te 890 manu khan morise.

State Administration Council kelaaf fight koribole nemite civilians para Myanmar laga alak alak jaga te defence forces bonaishe aro tai khan sikhar kora hatiyar khan jolai thakise.

Cental Sagaing region toh attention jaga ase kelay koile tati defence forces aro military majote besi gondogol howa thaka nemite.

Khobor hisab te, Friday te fight toh Depayin township te ola thakise.

Residents para kowa hisab te, military trucks toh tai khan laga jaga te kushise aro jungle osor boste te bondukh hamla korise. Etu toh local defence force laga members pahar olabole nemite thakise.

Ekta bosti manu para be tai khan artillery 26 par mara honishe koise. Tai para be Army para hamla kora te anti-junta fighters para hamla koraidebole kosish kora thakise koise hoilebe hamla te bachabole para nai koise.

Army para hamla te mora khan majote civilians be ase koise.

Local defence force laga ekta member kon bodies jama koribole motob korise tai koise, bosti manu khan mora te motob koribole nemite tai khan laga khor para na olai kena Saturday tak rokhise.

Ekta teams para 9 bodies paise aro tai khan ke buried korise, tusara team para eight bodies paise aro etu be eki din te buried korise.

Sunday te tai khan para anti junta fighter aro civilians laga 8 bodies paise koise.