
US para Tanker thurishe

Washington, United States: United States para Friday  din te  Singapore-owned oil tanker thursishe  kuntru toh   oil deliveries kuri thaka toh thurishe North Korea  te.etu khobor toh Justice department  para koikena janaidiya  thakishe.

New York federal judge  para ekta judgement  dishe   forfeiture authorizing nimete etu te United states   khan ownership lobole nimete etu M/T Courageous nimete   etu toh Cambodia te ase.

Etu  ship  kuntu te  2,734 tons capacity thaka toh    Singaporean national Kwek Kee Seng, kun harikena  ase tai para loishe.etu khobor toh  Justice Department statement te koikena janaidiya thakishe.

Statement te koikena janaishe”kwek  aro tai laga  co conspirators  khan  ekta  scheme te ase charibole nimete  Us aro UN sanctions  nimete vessels khan chulaikena   control te etu  bi dail toh  north Korea te luijabole nimete.”

 August to December 2019 te courageos khan etu  location   information diya toh  rukhaishe  Satellite imagery para dikhaishe ki etu samay te etuu tanker   ship to ship transfer thaka toh komti hoilebi$1.5 million worth oil North Korean ship te luijaa thakishe.

Department para kwek ke bodnam kurishe etu bi   scheme toh loka nimete shell companies  khuan chulaikena  international shipping authorities ke misa koikena  aro  courageous ke   chinikena   detection napabole nimete.

Kwek ke  conspiracy nimete bodnam kurishe    etu bi economic sanctions toh rukhabole nimete North korea aro money laundering  conspiracy nimete.

Cambodian authorities para etu tanker ke thurishe march 2020 te etu bi Us warrant te  ar etu courageous  ke thurikena thakishe.

Us attorney office  southern  district  new York para   civil forfeiture action  kurishe  etu tanker laga  khilaaf  april 23 te.

Washington and Pyongyang khan majhotte sambandh toh biya kurishe  etu te  North Korea’s foreign minister para june  moina te United states logote kotha kurishe aro koikena janaishe enika kotha para ami khan ke kuteh  bi naloijabo.

Duita  desh majhotte  kotha khan  chuli thakishe toh rukhaidishe  international sanctions  nimete nuclear armed state te aro North korea khan khotom kuribole thaka toh etu  utha nimete laga jawab te.