
Top-ranked Novak Djokovic Cincinnati te nathakibo

AGENCIES: Novak Djokovic toh  Western & Southern Open, te nathakibo etu matlab toh aha toh tai toh action te thakibo laga toh tai laga calendar year grandslam  US  Open toh  khotom kuribole nimete ase.

top-ranked Djokovic  para social media  te koikena  janaishe tai toh   olop lamba lagi ase   bhal hobole nimete  aro   aro wapas   ahibole nimete journey kura pichede Australia para Tokyo tak.”

Tai 21-0  te ase grandslam action   2021 te etui bi Australian Open hard courts February, French Open clay courts June aro Wimbledonon grass courts July te jitikena .ekta manu bi  first tinta  major tennis championships  sob charta logote   jitanai ekta season te  etu bi Rod Laver’s true Grand Slam 1969 te jita pichede.

Wimbeldon pichede djokovic  toh Tokyo Olympics  te jaishe golden slam nimete ekta single  gold  nimete   etu charta major  trophies logote ekta season te hoilebi tai toh  medal  jitibole paranai.

Etu 34 umar Serbia toh Germany’s Alexander Zverev singles semifinal te hairishe etu  pichede Spain’s Pablo Carreño Busta bronze medal match te logote harishe.

Djokovic toh aro bi partner Nina Stojanovic mixed doubles semifinals, te harishe etu pichede event laga   bronze medal match para olaishe.etu Western & Southern Open toh aha haafta te shuru kurishe  Cincinnati te.aro US Open laga main  draw toh new York  te august 30 para shuru kuribole ase.

Juwa sal te djokovic para tai laga second Western & Southern Open title toh jitishe etu tournament  toh flushing meadows  etu U.S open laga jaka te hoishe  special back-to-back staging the two hard-court events coronavirus pandemic samay te hoishe.

Etu logote   tai laga fourth one  year slam nimete ekta mota  para Laver toh 1960s twe kurishe  don budge toh 1930s te kurishe.

Djokovic toh aro bi kosish kuri thakishe  tai laga 21st career major title jitibole kuri thakishe US Open te.etu toh mens laga  mark phangaidishe  20  toh tai toh etia   Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal logote share kurishe.