
Internet chola lah bhal aro beya.

Internet tho ekta powerful tool asey kutu pra dunia kae transform kurishey alak alak rasta dae. Etu pram anu khan kae enable kurishey communicate kuriwoley, information access kuriwoley, collaborate, hikiwoley aro taikhan nijor kae entertain kuriwoley alak alak ways pra. Hoilibhi internet tho kunba drawbacks aro challenges asey kutu consider kurwioley lagey. Internet chola lah bhay aro beya tho yaet asey.

Internet chola lah bhal.

Internet pram anu khan kae allow kurey kun kae bhi akushi time, kushi jaka dae communicate kurwioley alak alak platforms aro devices cholai kina. Manu khan messages pathawoley pariwo, call panaiwoley pariwo, file share aro online communities join kuriwoley pariwo aram dae. Etu internet pra bhi global collaboration aro networking facilate kurey manu khan majo dae kun khan common goals aro interests asey.

Internet pra kutu topic hoilibhi etu lah vast information dae. Manu khan besariwoley pariwo facts, opinions, tutorials, reviews aro alak khan bhi search engines aro websites cholai kina. Etu internet pra bhi access kurey online libraries, databases, archieves aro educational resources dae kutu pra learning aro research enhance kurey dae.

Internet pra lfe lah bishi aspects kae aro convenient aro efficient banai dae. Manu khan online shop kuriwoley parey, bills pay kuriwoley parey, tickets book kuriwoley parey, food order kurewoley pareyalak alak services khan access kurwioley pariwo taikhan lah khor necharikina. Etu internet pra bhi manu khan kae remotely kam kuriwoley dae, online study kuriwoleyudae aro taikhan lah hobbies aro passion pursue kurwioley dae.

Internet pram anu khan kae taikhan lah nijot content panaikina share kurwioley dae aro taikhan nijor kae express kurwioley dae.

Internet chola lah beya

Internet pram anu khan kae expose kuri dae alak alak cyber threats dae such as hacking, phishing, malware, identity theft aro fraud. Manu khan tho hoshiyar thakiwoley lagey taikhan ki share kurey inline dae aro taikhan nijor lah personal aro financial information protect kuriwoley lagey. Internet tho business aro organizations khan karney bhi ekta risk pose kurey.

Internet pram manu khan lah privacy komti kurey dae kun cholai. Bishi websites aro apps khan usres pra personal data collect kurey aro etu kae advertising kae cholai aro alak purposes karney bhi. Kunba government aro agencies khan online activities monitor kurey  aro citizens aro foreigners majo dae communication thaka bhi monitor  kurey. Internet pra bhi manu khan kae asan kuri dae alak manu khan kae harass, stalk nohoiley blackmail kuriwoley.

Internet tho full of misinformation aro fake news asey kutu pra bishi manu khan kae mislead, confuse aro manipulate kurey. Kunba information lah sources tho unreliable, unbaised nohoiley inaccurate asey. Kunba manu khan rumours, propaganda nohoileybhi online dae hoax spread kurey alak alak reasons khan karney. Etu internet pra bhi manu khan dae duk dae information lah credibility aro authenticity verify kuriwoley. Internet pra bhi manu khan kae harmful aro inappropriate content upur expose kurey kutu pra taikhan lah mental nohoiley physical health affect kurey.

Internet tho ekta double edge sword nishina asey kutu bhal aro beya bhi asey users kahn karney.

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