
Adan Canto 42 sal deh muri jai shae

Janaury 10, 2024: Adan Canto, Mexican-American actor kun Mexico deh ekta successful music career banai nah Hollywood deh ekta leading figure hui shae, tai January 8 deh muri jai shae appendiceal cancer para. Ciudad Acuna, Coahuil, Mexico deh jonom  hui shae actor tho 1981 deh. Tai Texas, Canto deh dangor hui shae aro taila journey tho 16 sal deh shuru hui shae singer aro guitarist laka career kita bole.

Tai local commercials aro TV shows deh ahi nah taia acting career tho shuru hui shae. Etu kan kuri nah tai Kevin Williams laka 2013 Fox drama series, The Following deh ekta dangor role pai shae. Tai etu piche deh aro jana series kan deh role play kuri shae, Designated Survivor nishi nah deh. Kuteh tai Kiefer Sutherland lokot kam kuri shae teentha season karne.  Taila career deh tai Mixology aro Blood & Oil deh b role play kuri shae.

Film laka jaka deh, Adan Canto tho taila X-Men: Days of the Future Past deh Sunspot laka role play kura karne manu kan taike janeh. Tai 2 Hearts, Bruised aro Agent Gamas laka films deh b dangor role kan play kuri shae.