
Senapati district students nuton Student Executive members

Senapati, Sep 27:: Senapati District Stundet Association (SDSA) pora nuton executive council members chonishe. Etu toh sal 2024 pora 2025 nemete ase.  Etu toh Friday din te Senapati te elction kore kena koreshe. Mr A Saloni Tony, tai laka papa laka nam toh M Arjii ase. Tai toh Mao Karong pora ase. Aro tai mao Student Union(MSU) nemete kam kore. Tai toh SDSA laka nuton President choneshe. Tai Yonuo Peter ke potli koreshe. Tai 3 sal nemete office te kam korebo. Tai pora Bosco Kashun ke election te hariteshe. Tai toh Maram Stundet union pora takeshe. Aro alak chona members khan toh M K Digabou Jacob tai Vice-President, Kho Washington KP tai General Secretary, K Joshua toh Assistant General Secretary, E Siasilakpe toh Finance Secretary, Souveio Livingson D toh Secretary of Information & Publicity, L Dearson toh Secretary of Education & Statistic, H Puthon Thangal toh Games & Sports Secretary aro A Kajikho toh Secretary of Social & Cultural. Etu nuton members khan pora 3 sal nemete Stundets khan laka kam khan phal pora loi jabole ase. Chona manu khan 3 din pechte kosom khabole ase.