
BTS V, favoritism laka allegations face kuri ase

November 22, 2024: BTS V, kun itia military deh taila mandatory period serve kuri ase, tai favoritism laka allegations deh pasi nah ase. Etu allegations tho Min Hee Jin laka recent interview hua piche deh dangor hui ase. Interview deh tai para V taike contact kuri shae kui shae aro taike birthday wishes b patai shae kui shae. Idol tho kinaka service deh khali pas din taki nah messages kan pata bole di ase kui nah manu kan papna kura shuru hui shae. Hoile b South Korean Ministry of National Defence para favoritism laka allegations deh jawab di shae.

November 20 din deh, Defense Ministry para public complaint deh jawab di shae. Taikan para taila K-Pop star status karne V keh unauthorized phone nishi nah privileges kan di shae nah nai hudi shae. Ministry para Love me Again singer tho training centre laka general policies para approve kura designated hour majo deh taila nijor lah phone chui shae kui shae.  

Army training centre para trainees kan keh ek kanta karne taikan nijro laka phone chubo deh kui shae, weekends aro public holidays deh. V para etu authorized afternoon time deh heh phone tho chui shae. Ministry para specific timing, method nahoileh ki ki kotha kan kuri shae, etu tho janai di bole napari bo kui shae, Personal Information Protection Act aro Protection of Communications Secrets Act,” karne.