Mumbai: Wednesday te Mumbai Police khan pora writer Vinta Nanda pora rape allegation kura nimete actor Alok Nath laga khilaaf hoikena FIR register kurishe.” Oshiwara Police pora Alok Nath laga Khilaaf section 376 of IPC (rape) bithor te FIR kurishe .Etu bi Writer Vinta Nanda pora complaint file kura pichede ,” senior police officer Manoj Sharma pora koikena janaishe.October moina te Alok nath pora ekta civil defamation suit writer-producer Vinta Nanda kun pora tai ke bodnam kurishe rape nimete tai laga khilaaf kurishe .Etu actor pora ekta written apology mangise etu logote Rs 1 compensation mangise .October 17 case laga hearing loikena Mumbai court pora ekta interim order pass nakurikena writer-producer Vinta Nanda ke allow kurishe social media chulaikena rape aro sexual assault allegations Alok Nath laga khilaaf kotha kuribi koikena janaishe . Vinta Nanda pora aro ekta complaint file kurishe Alok Nath laga khilaaf tai ke harass kura nimete 90s te .Etu jai thaka MeToo movement, time te Vinta pora Alok Nath ke bodnam kurishe rape nimete tai pora etu kisaa toh ekta facebook post te koikena janaishe .Tai toh 90s laga serial Tara laga writer aro producer thakishe etu te Nath toh lead role te thakishe .Etu allegation kura pichede Indian Film and Television Directors’ Association (IFTDA) etu veteran actor uporte notice dishe aro tai khan pora rape allegation etu actor uporte kuwa toh sai di ase .
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