
Arunachal te child marriage bishi hoi

 New Delhi, Sep 13 (IANS):India desh te child marriage hoi thaka te bishi ase Schedule Tribe maiki khan(15 per cent ) majhotte  etu pichede  Schedule caste (13  percent ) ase .Etu khobor toh National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) pora khobor diya pichede ase .Etu khobor NCPCR website te Wednesday din te olaishe .Aro etu toh  comparative analysis of data on child marriage 15 pora 19 sal majhotte  National Family Health Survey (NHFS) pora  2005-2006 aro  2015-16 laga third aro fourth round luwa pichede etu khobor olaishe.Etu report toh  Young Lives India, NCPCR logote milikena bona centre pora olaishe .khobor paa hisaab te etu toh top 10 states majhotte bishi thakeh  .West Bengal te sobse bishi rate ase Sc maiki khan majhotte child marriage kura .Aro Arunachal ST maiki khan joldi shaadi kura t bishi .Maharashtra bi bishi ase girl child marriage te.Etu logote Bihar Gujarat aro Telengana report te bi OBC majhotte maiki khan 18 sal pora nichede shaadi kura khan bishi ase.Hoilebi khobor hisaab te child marriage laga comparative analysis hisab te 15 pora 19 sal maiki khan NFHS-3 (2005-06) aro  NFHS-4 (2015-16) koishe sob milaikena child marriage huwa toh komti 10 sal te alag alag states khan te.child Marriage hoi thaka Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan aro Uttar Pradesh te 15 aro 19 sal majhotte shaadi huwa toh bishi komti hoi jaiase .Etu bi 20 percentage points pora .Etu khoj kura te  paishe ki girl child marriage ola toh bishi bak rural areas aro kun ba jaka aro UTs kun tu te bishi child marriage hoi thakeh Urban areas etu te  Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra aro Manipur te hoi thakeh .13 states aro ekta UT te komti hoilebi 40 percent child marriage toh bottom wealth tercile households khan majhotte hoi thakeh .