
Assam tea toh auction deh Rs 1,506 per kg deh sold kurishey

Assam, June 18: Assam CTC tea para fetched kurishey auction deh highest price aro ekta kilogram deh Rs 1,506 deh bikri hoishey. Director of the auctioneer Assam Tea Brokers Private Limited Nisheeth Bijawat para koishey ki etu particular sale toh June 11 deh took place kurishey, Kolkata auctions deh aro buyer toh Mihir Gold thakishey aro tai para tailaga client Hyderabad deh thaka laga behalf kinishey. Tai para koishey ki,”Etu toh itya tak laga highest price ase any CTC tea laga auction deh. Quantity offered kura sale karney laga particular variety toh around 420 kilogrammes ase”. Earlier higher prices kan CTC para fetch kura toh Rs 1,111 per kilo aro Rs 803 per kilo thakishey.