BENGALURU, ,SEPTEMBER 26,2019: Sustainable Water Future Program of Future Earth khan Divacha Centre for Climate Change logote milikena Indian Institute of Science te Future Conference: Towards a Sustainable Water Future 24-27 September 2019 IISc aro Grand-Ball Room Hotel Sheraton, Bengaluru te lobole ase.
Etu International conference te current state global water resource challenges future pathways aro scenarios aro alag alag technological institutional solution accelerate kuribole nimete water related sustainable development goals(SDGs) chulabole aro 2030 Agendas targets laga kotha kurishe .
Water solution 21st century Indian Himalayan Region laga ekta special session toh 24-25 September, 2019 laga conference te loishe etu bi Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI) Secretariat laga intiative te .Etu session toh tai khan better policy framework laga urgent need IHR’s regional and state levels for Integrated Water Conservation, governance, and management policy leading to effective water solutions kotha kuribole thaka toh 21st century te dikdaar paa laga te.Etu toh ekta forerunner ase Budapest UN Water Summit Oct. 2019 te lobole thaka high level political event ase .
Etu dui din event te field researchers aro experts aro two High Penal Discussions aro intricate negotiation initiatives- Parliamentarians/ Legislators Dialogue water policy IHR nimete aro secondly, water solutions Lab IHR North East India nimete bonabole nimete .Etu conference time te ekta IHR’s Parliamentarians and Legislators committee laga forum toh bonaishe aro MOU Water Solutions Centre North East Indian states te bonabole nimete sign kurishe.
Etu te bhaagh luwa khan te alag alag mountain state laga MLAs prominent speakers Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Leh, CEO, Rigzin Spalbar; Minister of PHED, Arunachal Pradesh Wangki Lowang; Pradeep Tamta MP, Uttarakhand; Lalronsangma MP (LS), Mizoram; Agatha K Sangma, MP (LS), Meghalaya including Nagaland Deputy Speaker Sharingain Longkumar, NLA and Mmhonlumo Kikon, Adv. S & T, GoN; and Alemtemshi Jamir, IAS, representative IMI khan thakishe . departments of Soil & Water conservation and Geology & Mining laga state officials khan bi etu meeting te ahise.
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