
Breaking Barriers’ para notun Benchmarks set kurishey sports dey mahila laga participation dey

New Delhi, 21 June : Sports dey mahila laga participation foster kuriboley ekta bid dey, ekta remarkable event, ‘Women in Sports: Breaking Barriers’ toh Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium aro Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands maju dey collaboration logot organise kurishey, GD Goenka Sports Arena, New Delhi dey.

Itu event toh EU Gender Champions nishna embassies’ three-mahina initiative laga ekta part thakishey, sports dey gender equality aro empowerment promote kurina.

‘Women in Sports: Breaking Barriers’ dey India laga celebrated sports champions laga testimonials feature kurishey : National Footballer Manisha Kalyan, World Boxing Champion Gaurav Bidhuri, aro Asian Medalist Archer Jayalakshmi Sarikonda. Itu distinguished athletes para taikhan laga inspiring journeys share kurishey, sports industry pitor breaking barriers dey challenges aro jeet khan samna kuria highlight kurishey.

Itu event dey esteemed dignitaries khan bhi ahishey, Belgium, Didier Vanderhasselt, Netherlands Ambassador Marisa Gerards, aro Shombi Sharp laga Ambassador, India karney UN Resident Coordinator.

Itu testimonials piche dey, NGOs Slum Soccer aro CEQUIN maju dey ekta exciting all-girls football match thakishey. Itu match toh India dey UN, UNICEF, aro All-India Football Federation (AIFF) logot partnership dey organize kurishey, mahila athletes laga determination aro talents showcase kuriboley, participants aro spectators maju dey unity aro empowerment laga ekta sense foster kurishey.