KIPHIRE, MAY 14 , 2019:Monday saam te Nagaland laga kunba jaka khan te ekta dangor hawa paani ahise 13th of May 2019 te. Kiphire District toh sobse biya...
Category - Kiphire
Kiphire laga District Planning & Development Board meeting toh Kiphire laga DC’s office laga DPDB hall te 8th May 2019 te loishe...
Deputy Commissioner Kiphire M.Shayung Phom speech te koishe ki biodegradable shopping bags toh polythene para bona nohoi aro etu safe ase chulabole...
8th May 2019 deh Kiphire District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) laga monthly meeting toh DC Office’s conference hall, Kiphire jaga deh 10.00.a.m...
Kiphire, December 15: December 17 direk DC’s conference hall Kiphire jaga deh Swatchh Survekshan 2019 laga Swatchh Bharat Mission’s ...
KIPHIRE :Kiphire DPDB laga moina meeting toh DC conference hall5th November 2018 te loishe .Etu meeting te Advisor...
KIPHIRE: Minister for Environment, Forests & Climate Change, C.M. Chang pora 25th October 2018 Forest office complex, Kiphire foundation stone...
KIPHIRE: Kiphire laga Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services Kiphire khan dusra desh khan nishena World Animals...
Voice of ENPO Organisation aro dusra khan Kiphire district manu khan ke modot kuribole nimete Dr. Angto Phom, Naga Hospital Kohima & K.V...
KIPHIRE: Kiphire district te bhaath khan nathakikena sukikena thaka pora 8 ta truck 1408 chawal laga bag logote punchise 7 am nishena te.Etu te 7 ta truck toh...