
CBI khan NEHU professor ke thurishe

TNT News | November 24, 2018:Friday din    North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) laga associate  professor aro  department of bio-medical engineering, laga head Dinesh Bhatia ke thurishe CBI khan pora manu khan laga haath pora poisa luwa time te . TNT- The Northeast Today, te press note diya hisaab te  Bhatia ke  Prevention of Corruption Act laga bithor te  poisa luwa time te etu bi 40000 complainant laga haath pora  kun etia  PhD kuri ase tai laga bithor te.Etu poisa toh mesa misi bill bonaikena etu professor laga haath  kun pora etu complaint kura laga bank account  te dhalishe.Aro bi khobor hisaab te Bhatia pora kuwa pichede etu complainant pora poisa olaikena tai etu poisa toh diya time te etu manu ke CBI khan pora thurishe.Etu pichede ekta case etu illegal money transaction laga aro chan bin kurishe tai laga ghor aro office te  .Bhatia ke court te luijabole ase 11 am te.Court hearing huwa pichede aro bi khobor khan janibole ase.