
Chekiye Aro Aoyimti Village Markets te Food Show Melas loishe

DIMAPUR,SEPTEMBER 30,2019: Poshan Maah celebration Chumoukedima Block te jai thaka nimete  Chekiya market aro  Aoyimti village market shed 25th September 2019 te food show melas loishe  .Etu toh  CDPO Dimapur (Rural)  laga office khan  SHGs NRLM, Medical department aro  village council logote milikena loishe .

Poshan Abhiyan awareness laga IEC leaflets khan dishe aro banners khan  right nutrition, anemia, hygiene and sanitation, child’s first 1000 days, prevention of diarrhea etc laga awareness nimete banners khan dikhaishe  locally available fruits ,vegetables aro pulses etu logote nutritional benefits logote.Etu fruits aro vegetables melas te dikha toh locally olaishe public khan ke healthy khobole dibole nimete well balanced diet logote. WASH, sanitation and hygiene laga practice toh Anganwadi  workers khan para dikhaishe.

CDPO Dimapur (Rural) Bonathung Ngullie para aro bi khobor dishe ki Purana bazar, Diphupar B aro Chumoukedima te  bishi mini Poshan food Display melas khan thakibole ase  aro sector supervisors khan etu food stalls khan sabole ase aro   etu mela khotom huwa time te best stall laga inam bi dibole ase.