July 27, 2020. Chinese Government para order deya nemite, US officials khan para consulate office tuh hataishe. Southwestern China te U.S. consulate te American flag tuh be lamai thishe koishe. State broadcaster CCTV para tai khan laga social media account te junai thishe ke, American flag tuh lamaishe. Monday din Sichuan province laga Chengdu te thaka U.S. mission thaka ase. Police khan para consulate osor te tuita-tinta block area tuh bondh kuri thishe. Gari khan tuh police laga line para besi thur te pera thakishe. Friday din te China para US consulate bondh kuriboli order thishe, etu kura tuh olop din ake te US khan para Houston te Chinese Consulate tuh bondh kuriboli koikena thakishe. Etu consulate bondh kura nemite tuita(2) desh pithor te trade, technology, security aro human rights laga issue besi olai-ase koishe. Sunday din te U.S. consulate te trucks ahikena olop gonda thakina jaishe. Rati te flatbed trailer complex pithor te jaishe. Etu bechete, tangor shipping container aro crane ahishe. Manuh khan perai thaka tuh rokina selfies aro photos loi thakishe, aro manuh pera chaka tuh be shoppers aro families khan para jam kuri thishe. Chotu bacha ek jun Chinese laga flag chotu thurikena thaka tuh police para ketaishe. Police para consulate osor te rasta aro side rasta tuh bondh kuri thishe. Uniformed aro plainclothes officer para tuita chaka te be saio thakishe. Manuh ek jun kuan tangor placard thurikena Chinese government logot kuboli thaka ke jolti othaikena loijaishe. Etu ake te, bus te thaka manuh ekta saboli tuh embassy staff neshina ase, tai para plainclothes police logot tuh gate osor te kotha koikena jaishe. Hoilebi clear thakanai ke etu manuh tuh kuan ase aro bus t eke thakishe nejani koishe. Tinta(3) medium- size trucks ahikena olop gonda thakina jaishe aro tangor manuh lagan am paltes thakina truck laga majot te jaishe. US para koishe ke, Houston consulate tuh Chinese spies khan laga nest neshina ase, tai khan para Texas aro Texas A&M medical system and University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston te thaka laga khobor sob chor kuriboli thaka ase. China para koishe ke, etu kotha sob tuh “malicious slander” ase.
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