Kiphire Nagaland

Dawai para jevaan bachabole paribo: Yangseo

Kiphire, 14 June: Kiphire District Task Force meeting toh 14th June 2021 te DC laga conference hall, Kiphire te loise.

MLA & Chairman DPDB, Kiphire, T.Yangseo Sangtam para COVID-19 pandemic samai te jaandh bachabole paribo koise. Social media te dawai opor te galdi khobor te nahonibo laki koikena, tai para citizens khan dawai toh preventive measures nemite lobole koise. Tai para be members ke event toh rural areas te lobole koise bemari phela te rokhabo nemite. Yangseo para village authorities toh vaccination drive te medical team ke rokhai kena dekthari nadebo laki koise. Etu putli tai khan vaccination drive samai te co-operate koribo laki koise. Tai para be pandemic kelaaf fight te pura samai dukh pai kena kaam kora Administration, DTF, Medical Team, Front line workers, Tribal hohos, Civil Societies, Church leaders aro NGOs ke praise korise.

Deputy Commissioner and Chairman DTF, Rahul Mali, IAS para hospital te patients toh ektum beya halat te he ahai kena. Etu nemite tai para hospital te toh early stage (symptoms hoile) ahibole koise. Mali para be DTF activities aro pura district nemite strategies opor te janaishe.

MLA be Covid patients at Covid Hospital te COVID patients ke lok korise aro etu bechite District Hospital te bona thaka Oxygen Plant te lok korise. Tai para be hotai hajira korikena gama aro labourers ke 400 bags jawal aro Ayush awai, PPE Kits, N-95 mask aro layer mask deshe.