Dimapur Headlines Nagaland

DC Dimapur Horticulture Farms te lok korise

DIMAPUR, 05 SEPTEMBER: 4th September 2021 te, Deputy Commissioner Dimapur, Rajesh Soundararajan IAS toh Shitovi bosti te horticulture farms (Dragon fruit farm be melikena) te lok korise aro Vidima bosti te ekta budding Integrated farm te lok korise.

Dragon fruit farm laga malik Project Director DRDA Mon, Temjen ase aro tati lok kora bechite Rajesh para Dragon fruit cultivation toh Nagaland te ektum besi chance/potential thaka dekhise phal climate conditions nemite. DC para malik ke kushi janaishe kelay koile organic dragon fruit cultivation opor te farmer khan ke agae rasta dekhaideya nemite. Dragon fruit te besi nutritional aro medicinal values ase koise.

District Horticulture officer DImapur, Temsu Longkumer para horticultural aspects, kenaka dragon fruits lakabo etu opor te janaishe.

Vidima te Rajesh toh ekta budding Integrated Farm te lok korise aro etu farm laga malik Renbemo Murry  ( MBA) son of Dr.John Murry  ase. Tati besi horticulture crops laka te Papaya ( Red Lady) Bananas, Soyabeans melikena ase aro tai khan ke piggery aro fisheries be ase.

Malok para hybrid lichi, gauvas aro Ramputan toh etu sal October te lakabole ase koise. DC Dimapur logote informal interaction samai te Dr. John Murry para plant management te farming groups te nurturing lakiya opor te koise aro nursery para commercialization nemite lakiya bhabona janaishe. School aro college student khan farming practically koribole nemite farms te pothabole suru koribo laki koise. Dr. John Murry para be tai khan mathi (soil) te bechae korai naja tak Nagas nemite future nathakibo koise.

DC logote DHO Dimapur, Temsu and DPRO Dimapur, Lolano Patton para shaadh deya thakise.