Kohima Nagaland

Director And JT. Director I&C retire hoise 

Kohima, 12 March: Outgoing Director, Industries and Commerce, Vitsutho Nyuthe aro Jt. Director, Nchumbemo Patton nemite Farewell Programme toh Conference Hall, Directorate of Industries and Commerce, Kohima jaga te 10th March 2023 te loise.

Speech te, outgoing Director, Vitsutho para past years te, Department te number of challenges para ekta positive manner te dangor hobole motob korise koise. Tai para notun team ke kum toh zeal logote agae loijabole aro tai khan laga best debole koise. Tai par besi manu khan para besi motob toh Department laga progress te deshe koise aro manu khan ke selfless service nemtie koise. Tai para tai khan ke thank korise besi opportunities organize kora nemite aro tai khan laga well-being opor te besi enthusiastic nemite. Tai para tai laga aspiration Department nemite toh sob manu para teamwork continue kori thakibole nemite, dedicated thakibole aro kamiyab laga fruit te taste koribole focused thakibole nemite koise.

Outgoing Jt. Director, Nchumbemo Patton para sob manu khan ke thanked korise tai khan laga friendship nemtie aro tai khan logote kum koribole honor thaka nemite. Tai para be etu Department logote kum kor para incredible learning expedition thakise koise aro sob ke thankful thakise koise kelay koile tai etu journey te lok kora nemite, kelay koile sob para ekta ektum kum laga role toh tai khan laga jevaan te played kora nemite.

Outgoing officers nemite short speeches toh Commisioner and Secretary, Kekhrievor Kevichusa, IPoS, Director, Industries and Commerce, A. Temjen Jamir General Manager, NIDC Ltd. Temjen, General Manager, DIC, Mon, Lemnon Wangsha, aro Jt. Director (Admn) & President NICGOA, Er. Lipongse Thongtsar para deya thakise.

Programme te Addl. Director, P. Tokugha Achumi para chaired thakise.