
Jalukie te Block-Level Poshan Panchayat loise

Jalukie, 04 April: Block Level Poshan Panchayat toh Women Welfare Conference Hall, Jalukie Town te 2nd April 2022 te loise. ICDS Jalukie Project under Department of Social Welfare, Peren para loise. ADC Jalukie, Dr. Tinojongshi Chang para panchayat laga role te koise aro local leaders ke awareness toh block level te health aro nutrition te debole nemite koise.

BDO Tening, Kiengau para rainwater harvest kora kaam howa opor te koise. Tai para paani laga kami toh ekta monn chindi laga hoise koi kena local leaders ke paani bachabole nemite koise. Program te LDA, DPO Office Peren, Isapheing Hegwang para chaired thakise aro vote of thanks toh DPO Peren, I. Tsungrosongla Ao para deya thakise.