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Jar-sal te sobse dangor solar flare, mathi te olob radio blackout hoise

Agencies, 06 July: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) te scientists laga ekta team para July 3, 2021 te khobor korise. Tai para Sun para ekta dangor solar flare/flame toh ekta sunspot (AR2838 para jana) para 10.29 am EDT (14.29 GMT) te ola thakise. Etu toh 2017 bechae para sobse dangor solar flare thakise koise.

US Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) te officials khan Sun te shaa para sunspot AR2838 para solar flare toh ekta ektum gara X1-class Sun event thakise koise. Etu para mathi Atlantic Ocean te olob radio blackout howa thakise koise.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory para be solar flare laga ekta video share korise. Etu te flare toh Sun laga upper right limb para ola thakise. Observatory para solar flare toh ekta spacecraft para kecha thakise aro etu toh Sun te sabo nemite jola laga ase.