Kohima Nagaland

Kohima Battalion para activities loishe

Assam Rifles Kohima Battalion khan  HQ IGAR (North) bithor te  ekta  recreational activities loishe   Kohima Garrison te bui thaka manu khan laga ghor manu aro bacha khan nimete ‘Stay Home and Stay Safe’ bithor te loishe.

Alag alag   khel khan etu te maiki khan nimete masks bona poem recitation and storytelling 1st to 3rd std te puda  students khan nimete  , 4th to 8th Std students nimete  creativity and collage making (by use of waste material) loishe.etu  co-curricular event  laga aim toh   ghor manu aro bacha  khan ke  fecilate kuribole nimete thakishe  recreation nimete etu lockdown utha samay te.

Etu event toh  jita manu khan ke  prize diya pichede khotom kurishe.