
Kohima te nutun Ao Baptist Church khulishe

Kohima, April 28: Kohima laga nutun  Kohima Ao Baptist Church building toh  Reverend M. Asangba Longkumer para khulishe.

Etu occasion te “To God be the Glory” laga theme bithor ekta dedicatory service loishe  .Etu din  te  Executive Secretary Ao Baptist Church Association (ABAM), Reverend Dr. Mar Atsongchanger main speaker thakishe .

Reverend Mar para tai laga message te congregation khan ke matikena   dedication laga 4 ta principles follow kuribi.Etu 4 principles toh morom kuribi,prathana kuribi  Isor ke bisaribi aro noha kaam khan nakuribi.

Etu occasion te khushi kotha janaikena  Kohima Baptist Pastors Fellowship laga president  Dr Kevichalie Metha para naga manu ao community khan ke spiritual parents nishena ase .Kile koile toh  ao khan akhe wala Christianity luwa toh aro Missionaries khan ke welcome kura toh.

Tai koishe ki missionaries anibole nimete pura Nagaland te gospel toh spread kuri dishe . Dr Metha koishe “Ami khan laga sambandh isor logote aro bi dangor hobo.

Church Complex Construction Committee convenor L. Temsü Longkumer para etu construction laga report diya time te koishe ki etu project toh 2011 te shuru kurikena Rs 26 crore laga daam te khotom kurishe.Etu church laga main hall te 2500 manu khan buibole pareh.