Kohima Nagaland

Kohima te State Level Kala Utsav loishe

KOHIMA,OCTOBER 29,2019:Samagra  Shiksha  Nagaland khan para Dr. Neilhouzhu   Kire GHSS Seikhazou Kohima  29th  October 2019 te  State Level  Kala Utsav loishe.Etu occasion te Director  IPR, Limawati  Ao guest of honor thakishe.

Limawati para tai laga address te koishe ki dance aro physical activity toh school  te eki status thakibole lageh   maths science  aro dusra languages khan nishena.”Dance khan para joy aro stability dikdaar jeevan te  restore kuribole paribo aro schools khan te tension khan komti kuribo kuntu toh violence aro bullying para disrupt kuri ase .”

Tai koishe studies khan te dikhaishe ki music para deemak bhal  hobole aro neural  processing hobole pareh  aro etu students kun khan  musical instrument khan chulai  music khan huna manu khan logote milaile toh.

“Dreamz Unlimited”laga example loikena  tai koishe etu group member s khan naam kaamai ase  aro bishi popular ase  Nagaland laga dusra juwan manu khan logote milaile toh.Tai aro koishe  ki tai khan laga ekta youtube videos  para one million views paar kurishe   etu toh ekta dangor achievement ase ami khan hisaab te .

Tai koishe painting para manu khan ke  asti hobole   aro  duniya ke janibole hikai aro  etu  para ek ek jun  laga emotion janibole nimete modot kureh.

Tai para etu nimete sob stakeholders khan   state education system te   etu activities khan promote kuribole kotha kurishe aro etu activities uporte importance dibole kotha kurishe.

Kala Utsav toh   Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) laga  intiative ase  arts education te promote kuribole nimete secondary level te etu bi  school students khan laga artistic talent  bhal kuribole karne ase .

Kala Utsav toh ekta pioneering celebration ase art forms nimete  school system te aro etu toh ongoing program nishena chuli thakibo.

District/State/national-level Utsav toh ekta art festival ase  etu te  performance  aro  display of exhibits etu logote tai khan laga online art project(e- project) thakibo.Kala Utsav laga design  para students khan ke   explore kurikena  bujikena   aro tai khan laga  living art tradition  (Music,Dance ,Visual arts aro crafts) khan te modot kuribo.Kala Utsav para students khan ke ekta opportunity dibo  bujikena    cultural diversity  celebrate kuribo  school district state aro national levels te.

Kala Utsav para khali students khan ke janaidibole ekla  nohoikena  India cultural heritage khan aro etu laga vibrant  diversity dusra stakeholders khan majhotte janaidibole nimete ase.Aro bi etu para modot kuribo artist artisians aro institutions schools khan logote promote kuribole modot kuribo.

State Programme Co ordinator  Kala Utsav  Timothy  Thong para Kala Utsav laga brief introduction dishe  .Assistant Mission Director  ,Samagra  Shiksha  Nagaland ,Chungngam Konyak  para vote of thanks dishe   .Aro etu program toh  Assistant Mission Director ,SS Nagaland Liyalo Apon para  program loishe.