KIPHIRE,SEPTEMBER 30,2019: District Agromet unit (DAMU), KVK, Kiphire khan Longthonger village, Kiphire 25th September 2019 te Agro Advisory services laga one day Farmers’ Awareness programme loishe .
Etu programme time te Temjemna Jamir, SMS (Agro Meteorology) para kinika IMD Department khan ahikena farmers khan ke weather laga information khan dibole ase etu laga brief note dishe Agro Met Stations bonaikena .Etu para products khan bonabole ase etu te land surface water index, land surface temperature, leaf area index dibo etu para agricultural services khan etu te irrigation and fertilizer application farmers khan ke short message services (SMS) para tai khan laga mobiles te , Etu nimete tai khan ke phone numbers register kuribole laga khobor dishe.
Etu farmers khan ke proper seed treatment etu te alag alag kisim local indigenous method seed storage rajma nimete Yanghumong, DAO (AFA) para dishe .Etu farmers khan ke FMD laga kotha khan janaishe James,VFA para .Tai para koishe ki FMD toh heinous disease ase India laga bishi jaka te dikdaar paa aro Govt. of India para etu toh 2024-2025 te khotom kuribole ase .Tai para aro koishe bosti manu khan etu beemar thaka jaanwar khan ke sabole nimete veterinary pharmacies te jaikena etu te livestocks khan etu te gauri aro guru khan naharibole nimete .Sob Milaikena 73 manu khan bhaagh loishe etu toh farmers khan logote kotha kurikena khotom kurishe.
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