
Manas laga nutun alag alag species kan  first time National Park deh capture huishey

Guwahati: Sob wildlife survey Manas National Park (MNP) deh  hwa kan ba surprise deh, conservation karney effort dhala nimey deh thanks dina park toh 15 year lamba ethnic aro political battle mid 1980s deh thakishey aro peace toh finally 2003 deh restore huishey.

Ekta camera trap survery, Urjit Bhatt aro Salvador Lyngdoh , Wildlife Institute of India laga ba 2017-19 deh photo document kurishey Himalayan Goral, Asiatic Brush-tailed Porcupine, aro Ferret Badger ke arp Chital toh two decades peche deh document huishey.

Sob 12,601 sampling trap nights laga time milaina total 37 species (34 mammals aro 3 Galliformes) ke 24,888 alag alag record kurishey. Mammal kan ke camera trap luina photograph kurishey 270 lag area Manas kan laga habitat majo deh.

Satha rare mammal kan(charta herbivores aro teenta carnivores), Chital, Himalayan Goral, Asiatic Brush-tailed Porcupine, Hispid Hare, Jungle Cat,Chinese Pangolin aro Ferret Badger ke camera deh dikhishey aro sob satha alag alag jaat laga janwar ke 1,500 trap nights lagishey ekta single detection karney.

Etu satha rare jaat laga majodeh, teenta – Chinese Pangolin, Hispid Hare aro Himalayan Goral toh globally Red list deh ase IUCN laga report hisab ba. 

Survey ba hoilibi alag rare mammal species kanke bi photograph kuriwo parishey, Marbled Cat Asiatic Golden Cat, Fishing Cat, Golden Jackal, Sloth Bear, Himalayan Serow, Swamp Deer, aro Pygmy Hog bi MNP deh agey deh paishey.

Park ba India laga 22 threatened mammal species ke support kurey India laga 1972 WildLife laga Schedule I (Protection) Act laga naam ba. Royal Manas National Park (RMBP) logot milaina Bhutan deh Park ba South Asia laga sobse dangor conservation area ke importance deh, tadey savannah grasslands aro tropical forest kan ba loina upper hill forest tak deh habitat kan laga full range ase. MNP toh important conservation area ase koishey tai laga tropical forest kan aro political aro social conflict lagahistory thaka nimey deh.

Violence karney Park deh extensive damage huishey aro etu karney local hunting, logging aro important fauna laga poaching kan sob milina wildlife toh taba hoiase  aro habitat toh degrade hoi ase.

Study ba koishey ki itya laga current record, rare aro uncommon species laga janwar kan karney moikan conservation effort kan deh focus kurina importance dibo parey aro etu ba awareness philai and alag area kan deh bi takot deh protection dibo karney.