September 27.2020:official sources kuwa hisaab te Manipur government para non-essential expenditure komti kuridiya khobor dishe etu bi scarce resources khan thakibole nimete unavoidable and committed expenditures state laga sabole nimete.
Etu huwa toh state khan par a recruitment processes toh rukhaidiya pichede hoishe COVID-19 laga adverse impact nimete.
Etia para government khan manishe komti hoilebi 14 categories non-essential expenditure etu te excess authorisation budget provision, commitments expenditure, ban recruitment, ban new entities bona, ban printing of diaries, coffee table book office furniture, equipment aro luxury items aro dusra khan kinibole nimete komti kurishe.
state finance department khan para aro bi etu nimete Office Memorandum diseh Thursday din te aro koishe economic dislocation COVOD-19 pandemic para kura toh state government laga resource availability te dukh dishe.
memorandum te koishe Aro dusra toh etu poisa pabole thaka meeting recurring expenditure te uthibole nishena ase current fiscal te kunba commitment nimete government para kura toh etu te unavoidable expenditures COVID-19 related activities te ase.
Aro koishe ekta bi financial commitment khan nakuribo ekta department khan para bi items khan etu nimete expenditure sanction toh paanai .etu memorandum te sob major tax and non-tax revenue collecting departments khan ke joldi measures khan lobole janaishe etu target punchibole nimete current fiscal year, 2020-21 karne.
Etu etia jai thaka recruitment processes te jawab toh rukhabole lageh etu te akhe para shuru kura charikena cabinet para approval a paikena tai khan para nutun entities bona uporte ban kuranaiaro koishe ekt a bi nutun entities khan functional or territorial etu te expenditure olai thaka toh state laga consolidated fund para ola toh bonabo.
Aro koishe utmost economy toh conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, fairs aro dusra events khan luwa te sabo aro khali events kuntu toh kuribo hi lageh lobole lageh.
exhibitions, seminars, workshops bahar te luwa aro bhaagh luwa laga daam toh state government para diya toh bondh kurishe.
Aro koishe Proposals study tours, workshops, conference, seminars, presentation papers state government laga poisa para kuribole dibo sponsporing agencies khan para fund kura para charikena.
Meeting aro conference luwa toh hotels khan te state nimete importance khan charikena bondh thakibo.
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