
Mental Health Awereness aro Support lah Importance

Mental health tho moi khan lah overall well-being kar nae ekta integral component ase aro 21st century tae, etu significance lah mental health awareness aro support tho overstated kuri Bo napari bo. Etu ekta issue ase ki individuals, families, communities aro societies tae effect kurae. Etu essay tae crucial role explore kuribo itu mental health awareness aro support kae moi khan lan morden dunia tae.

Ekta key aspects  mental health awareness karnae ase ki mental health tho Khali small minority han tae he impact nakurae. Etu affect kurae portion of the population han tae. World Health Organization han pra kwa tho, for example, depression tho worldwide tae lead kuri ase, kuntu 264 million nishina manu  affect kuri ase. Etu jana tho, moi khan emphasize kuribo lagae ki mental health issues tho ekta sign nahoi weakness kar hoilae bhi ekta human experience lah part ase.

Mental health lah support tho equally crucial ase. Manu kun kun mental health challenges face kurae tai khan silence tae suffer kurae kilae koi lae etu stimga ase associated with these issues. Hoi lae bhi, jaka tae bhal support system thaki lae, manu han Kiki help aro care lagae itu pabo. Friends, family  aro community  han beshi dangor role loi etu support Debo lae, hoilae bhi professional lah help tho lagae.

Mental health tho moi khan lah overall well-being kar nae ekta integral component ase aro 21st century tae, etu significance lah mental health awareness aro support tho overstated kuri Bo napari bo. Etu ekta issue ase ki individuals, families, communities aro societies tae effect kurae. Etu essay tae crucial role explore kuribo itu mental health awareness aro support kae moi khan lan morden dunia tae.

In recent years, mental health awareness promote kuribo nimitae growing global movement thaki ase. Etu para advocacy tho borta hoi shae, mental health tae prioritise kuribo nimetae, including anti-stigma campaigns, mental health servicestae improve kuribo nimetae, aro etu integration of mental health into primary healthcare systems. Etu COVID-19 pandemic para itu mental health tho kiman important ase dekhai shae kintu manu han beshi stress, isolation aro uncertainty faced kurishae.

Conclusion tae, etu mental health awareness aro support lah important tho 21st century tae overstated naho bo lagae. Awareness felai na aro adequate support dekina, moi khan itu stigma surrounding mental health issues tho komti kuribo paribo, ensure kuribo lagae ki ek jun ek jun ki mudot lagae debo lagae aro overall well-being kar nae promote kuribo lagae. Moi khan agae tae ja time tae, mental health kar nae advocate kuri thaki bo lagae, making sure ki kun be duk napabo lae in silence aro moi khan sob itu resources aro support thakibo la gae mentally healthy lives thaki b o nimetae.