Headlines Sports

Mitchell Johnson para reveal kurishet kitya personal hoishey David Warner logot dey

Australia, 05 December, 2023: Mitchell Johnson toh step up kurishey tai laga war of words tai laga  former teammates laga against reveal kuri kina etu asli reason toh kita etu personal hoishey David Warner  logotae aro lash out kurishey aro ekbar Chairman of selector George Bailey kae tai laga mental health tae question kura karoney.

Olop agae din tae, tai laga column tae, publish kura laga West Australian tae, etu former speedster para question kurishey Kiley Warer toh tai laga retirement date pick kuribole paishey  tai eman biya form tae jai kina bat logotae test tae. Etu former Australian speedster para anishey etu ball tampering scandal aro ekta scathing attack marishey bailey kae tai laga role laga opor tae Warner kae Test side tae raka karoney, tai laga alag decisions khan logotae.

Johnson para reveal kurishey asli wala reason etu column lika laga bichide tae. “etu toh hoishey kita Candice para (TV Show) The Back Page tae koishey openers khan nataka kun khan bhal ase tai laga position lubolae. Etu time tae moi para respond kurishey,” Johnson Mitchell Cricket Show tae, via seven para.

Johnson para Bailey laga remarks kae disgusting matey ase.

Bailey tai laga response tae Johnson laga remark tae koishey: “Moi para kunba snippets khan pataishae (article laga)… oi hope kuri ase tai bhal ase.”

Etu reply para Johnson kae bishi irk kurishey, kun para koishey “disgusting”.

“(Bailey karoney) hudibole moi bhal ase nan ai ki hoilae moi mental health issues thakishey toh bishi wala downplay kuri ase moil aga article aro dhali ase mental health laga opor tae, kuntu bishi disgusting ase moi pabha laga esab tae,” Johnson para koishey.

“Moi bhal ase; moi kusa nahoi, moi jealous nahoi- moi khali ekta piece liki ase kuntu moi feel kurishey etu toh likibole lagibo kuri kina.

“Etu toh ek jun manu laga mental health tae dig kuri kina aro koa nishina ase moi laga zindagi kina ekta juli ase, etu mental health issue para moi ki koishey etu kubolae karoney ekta reason thakishey. Hoilaebi etu hosa nahoi.

“Etu toh completely opposite ase. Moi hossa toh clear minded ase.”