MON,SEPTEMBER 18,2019: Mon District Panning and Development Board (DPDB) meeting September nimete Deputy Commissioner & Vice- Chairman DPDB Mon, Thavaseelan K, IAS 16th September 2019 DC Conference Hall MLA N.Thongwang Konyak logote loishe.
Etu meeting te house khan para LADP 2019-20 bithor te Mon District laga iconic projects khan approve kurishe . N.Thongwang Konyak para koishe LADP bithor te thaka iconic projects toh government khan para loishe etu te project khan toh existing project laga duplication noloikena lobo.
House khan para government khan para kotha kurikena Baptist School at Yuching Village aro Island Club Tangnyu Village approve kurishe .
Area Operations Manager, Sumit Banerjee para India Post Payment Bank, Mon Branch laga behalf te power point presentation dishe .Tai koishe India Post Payment Bank (IPPB) toh public sector nishena bonaishe Department of Post (DOP) 100 percent equity logote bonaishe . IPPB laga vision toh accessible, affordable aro trusted bank manu khan nimete Accessibility, Affordability, Ease of Banking, Digital Ecosystem aro Financial literacy thaka ase.Tai para aro koishe kunba IPPB’s product offering etu te Deposit, Money Transfer, Direct Benefit Transfers, Third Party Products, Bill & Utility payments Enterprise aro Merchant payments khan di ase.
Board para Shongmeth M Konyak, Class 9 Sacred Heart School, Mon ke khushi janaishe State level Science Seminar te first position paa nimete etu toh Mokokchung te loishe.District laga badminton khelari khan Unice, Yaom aro Leihong ke khushi janaishe alag alag tournament khan jita nimete state aro national level te .House khan para alag alag fields Beti Bachao Beti Padhao bithorte alag alag district officials khan dhalishe.
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) laga brief presentation toh Dr. Tinelo J Katiwa, DTO Mon para dishe etu te tai para RNTCP laga activities khan mon district bithor te luwa laga kotha kurishe .Tai para Nikshay Poshan Yojana uporte kotha kurishe beneficiary, eligibility, benefits and payment mode of the schemes laga details uporte kotha kurishe.
District Transport Officer, Arenbo Peter, para department laga alag alag activites uporte kotha kurishe etu te special emphasis toh Vahan 4.0 & Sarathi 4.0 laga uporte dishe.Etu te tai koishe ki Saratgu toh Driving licenses applicants, conductors’ licenses aro driving school licenses dibole nimete ase aro Vahan toh registration certificates nimete ase.
ADC Mon Hiazu Meru, paishe house ke koishe single use of plastic bottles district te bondh kuribole nimete koishe aro members khan ke proper solid waste management office te shuru kuribole koishe.
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