
Mon te Girl Child Day manishe

MON, SEPTEMBER 20,2019:  Mon District Administration khan Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) – District Level Centre for Women (DLCW) logote milikena  Girl Child Day Police Unit School, Mon  18th September 2019 Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign bithor te manaishe.Etu programme toh  Neijoi Konyak, District Coordinator, MSK  para loishe.Sob milaikena Girl Child Day celebrations te  50 student khan bhaagh loishe.

  1. Matsung Ao, Administrator of Police Unit School para school laga behalf te introduction dishe .Tai para students khan ke girl child day laga importance janaidishe.

Ngepshom Konyak, Women Welfare Officer, MSK Mon para  Girl Child laga importance uporte kotha kurishe.Judi ekta maiki bacha educate thakile toh tai ekta major role kuribole paribo society te  .Tai para equal treatment for both boys and girls gender wise te bias nathakibole koishe.Tai para students khan ke  tai khan laga rights chulabole kotha kurishe schools aro  family te kile koile toh development toh etu duita jaka para shuru kureh .Tai aro koishe maiki students khan ke sorom nakhabi aro activities khan te bhaagh lobole koishe. Olem Konyak, District Coordinator, MSK Mon para  vote of thanks dishe.