KOHIMA | September 26, 2019: North East Forum for Indigenous People, NEFIP khan etu te 7 Northeast States laga civil society organisation khan logote milikena 3rd April 2018 te olaishe controversial Citizenship Amendment Bill laga khilaaf te .
NEFIP khan ola pichede tai khan laga Central Executive Council meeting 25th September Nagaland State Capital, Kohima te loishe .
Kohima laga press conference te kotha kura time te NEFIP President Ningthouja Lanch para koishe NEFIP khan CAB laga khilaaf thakibo centre khan para etu bill toh nahataidiya tak .Etu organisation khan para tai khan laga akhe CEC meeting te 7 point resolution olaishe.
NEFIP khan tai khan laga CEC meeting te manishe olop akhe te resolution passed kura toh CAB-2016, laga khilaaf passed kurikena Prime Minister ke 9th August, 2019 dishe .
Tai khan para aro bi etu controversial bill ke hataidibole aro Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Assam Finance Minsiter and NEDA Convenor Himanta Biswa Sarma para statement diya te khilaaf kurishe kun para koishe GOI para etu sal November moina te etu bill toh aro bi ekbar Parliament te aro bi ekbar kotha kuribo.
Lancha koishe NEFIP khan para manishe etu bill laga khilaaf movement olabole nimete sob Northeast region te etu logote ekta public protest 3rd October para thakibo.Tai aro bi khobor dishe ki nijor nijor state laga apex bodies khan NEFIP bithor te campaign phase wise kuribole ase nijor jaka te etu te state heads khan ke memorandum dibole ase .Etu campaign te NEFIP khan niche para shuru kurikena region te judi etu bill toh passed ki hobo etu laga kotha khan janaidibole ase .
Etu resolution te NEFIP khan para sob State Legislative Assembly NE States khan ke koishe ekta resolution olabole nimete house te aro Union Government khan ke necessary steps khan lobole koishe UNDRIP chulabole nimete.Aro koishe ki NEFIP khan manishe United Nations Organisation khan etu rukhabole nimete etu toh Northeast laga indegenious manu khan nimete dikdaar thakibo.
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