Dimapur Nagaland

NBCC khan HSLC & HSSLC toppers ke felicitate kurise

DIMAPUR, MAY 14: NBCC affiliated schools laga HSLC aro HSSLC toppers khan nimete  May 14  Platinum Hall te  felicitation programme kurishe .Etu programme te  Menukhol John, Principal Secretary, School Education and SCERT guest speaker thakishe .

Menukhol para toppers khan ke  tai khan kuwa laga aim in life laga kotha kurishe  aro tai etu successful candidates khan ke khushi janaishe Isor ke  yaad kura nimete tai khan laga safar te.

Sob milaikena  10 toppers (6 from HSLC and 4 from HSSLC) khan ke gifts aro  prathana kurikena felicitate kurishe .Etu te 8 jun para tai khan kinika success hoishe etu laga kotha kurishe  .Dui jun toh  etu programme te ahibole paranai  hoilebi tai duijun laga ghor manu ahikena bhaagh loishe  .Etu sob students khan para 4 ta common ground te kotha kurishe .Etu te  isor ke dhandyaabad kurishe ,Ama khan para modot kura ,hard labour aro power time management te kotha kurishe.

Rev Dr. Zelhou Keyho, general secretary Isor ke dhandyaabad kurishe  tai khan success kura nimete aro tai khan future te bi enika thakibi koikena janaishe.