
Premier Handball League

AGENCIES, 16 DECEMBER Premier Handball League (PHL) para Monday din te khobor dishe  Rajasthan Wolverines toh third team  thakibole nimete  franchise-based league laga inaugural   edition nimete.etu rajasthan  franchise  rajasthan  wolveri ne  toh  Shatvik Corporation  para loishe aro etu bhaagh luwa choita teams khan te ekta thakibo.

Manu Agrawal, senior official of PHL  para koikena janaishe “ami khan khushi ase Wolverine Sports Private Limited;  sports arm Shatvik Corporation Rajasthan Franchise Premier Handball League te anaa niemte aro etu team laga naam toh rajasthan wolverine  ase.”rajasthan ekta  state   hoikena ekta bhal handball playing culture ase aro     sporting   leagues laga  instrumental ase   state hoikena  rajasthan logote robust  adat thakishe sports aro fitness te aro  etu toh  ekta important state hoishe  etu Premier Handball League te aha toh.league hoikena   ami khan khushi paishe ki    etu nutun aro deep rooted business houses etu te  Shatvik Corporation toh   indian sports laga duniya te ghussa ase    ami khan para  aro ami khan khushi ase etu  bhal partner ana  para  khali handball hi nohoikena     duniya laga sports  india te   ahibole laga samay te uthibo.

Etu  league kuntu toh    Bluesport Entertainment Pvt Ltd  para   license  dishe etu  bi Handball Federation of India  bithor te akhe te  Garvit Gujarat and Golden Eagles Uttar Pradesh khan olaishe.

Etu  league toh aha sal para shuru kuribole ase.