
Pulwama te 3 Lashkar Terrorists ke moraishe

Srinagar: Jammu & Kashmir’s Pulwama district te aji security forces para tinta(3) terrorists ke morai deya beche curfew janaishe aro and internet services suspended korishe. Larai kora roka beche police para Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists tin(3) jun mora laga khobor toh janaishe. Police laga gari te loudspeakers thalikena rasta te south Kashmir township te operation kotom beche junaikena perai thakishe. Etu operation toh konuba khobor powa nemite thakishe aro Inspector General of Police, Vijay Kumar para tin(3) jun terrorists ke morai deya nemite security forces logot dunyawad korishe. “Pulwama Encounter Update: Pakistani LeT commander Aijaz @ Abu Huraira logot 2 jun laocal terrorists ke mari thishe Police & SFs: IGP Kashmir logot kushi powa khobor toh janaishe,” koikena Kashmir Zone police para koishe. Operation kora samai security forces para terrorists khan lokai thaka jaga toh beya korishe aro etu osor te konuba ghor beya hoishe koishe. Jowa saal March moina para encounters te terrorists mora khan laga body toh ghor manuh logot natey koishe. Etu mora manuh khan laga body toh police para ropai dey koishe. Pulwama aro dosura south Kashmir jaga te ketiya larai olabo etu samai internet line beya hoi thaki koishe. Kashmir te August 2019 saal te Jammu & Kashmir’s special constitutional status hatai deya beche duniyaa te sobse thiri wala internet bondh korishe. Jammu & Kashmir te High speed internet toh 555 din thaka beche etu saal February te kuli thishe.