AGENCIES: US federal court Thursday din e ekta Russian national ahise et u bi tai ke south korea para ohio te aha pichede charges khan face kuribole nimete et u bi t ai laga role cybercriminal organization te.etu khobor toh US Department of Justice para koikena janaidiya thakishe.
Vladimir Dunaev, 38, toh cybercriminal organization laga member ase etu bi ekta computer banking Trojan olaishe aro ransomware sui te ase malware nimete etu ke trickbot laga nam para janaidiya thakishe .etu khobor toh justice department para koikena janaidiya thakishe.
“Trickbot para businesses aro victims khan ke hamlaa kurishe duniya te aro computer khan ke biya kurishe chor aro ransom nimete etu te school networks banks, municipal governments, and companies in the health care, energy, and agriculture sectors khan ase.” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco para koikena janaidya thakishe.
Etu para dikhaishe etu November 2015 te shuru kura toh aro august 2020 tak chulishe dunaev aro dusra khan money, confidential information, chor kurikena computer system khan biya kurishe najana victims khan ke etu te individuals, financial institutions, school districts, utility companies, government entities, aro private businesses khan ase.
Etu khan para network chulaishe co-conspirators and freelance computer programmers nimete etu ke trickbot group laga naam janaa toh etu bonabole olable aro trickbot malware sabole niemte ase etu para bishi wala computer system biya kurishen .DOJ para koikena janaidiya thakishe.
Dunaev para alag alag developer function khan kurishe etu trickbot malware laga support te etu te malware execution sabole niemte browser modification bonabole aro etu malware toh bondh kuribole modot kuribole ase detection nimete security software nimete.
Etu defendants khan para chor kuwa login credentials aro dusra personal khobor chulai ase etu bi o online bank accounts, execute unauthorized electronic funds transfers nimete aro laundery poisa nimete etu bi US and foreign beneficiary accounts para.etu khobor toh indictment kuwa hisaab te thakishe.
Duanev toh south korea para October 20 te luijaishe .tai toh ekta conspiracy te ase computer fraud kuribole niemt e ase aro identity chor kura niemte ase etu bi wire aro bank fraud kuribole nimete money laundering kuribole niemte aro alag alag count ase wire fraud, bank fraud, and aggravated identity theft ase.
Dunaev laga representative ke kotha kuribole paranai.
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