
Stephen Hawking’s archive aro office UK public nimete

AGENCIES: London’s Science Museum and the Cambridge University library para Wednesday  din te koikena janaishe ki tai khan laga bishi wala saman  khan  late physicist Stephen Hawking, laga thaka toh tai laga personalised wheelchair  etu logote landmark  papers khan theoretical  physics  aro tai laga scripts  khan tai laga appearance toh the simpsons khan laga thakishe.

Etu Hawking office Cambridge laga content khan etu te tai laga his communications equipment, memorabilia, bets tai para bona toh scientific debates aro office furniture khan preserve kurkenas thakibo etu bi collection  nimete Science Museum Group khan nimete.

Hawkins para  etu office toh university’s department applied mathematics aro theoretical physics 2002 para thurikena  ase tai 2018 te namura akhe tak.

Etu highlights toh display te thakibo London museum te aha sal ache te.Musuem officials  khan   bhabona kuri ase touring exhibition bonabole nimete UK te etu bi permanent display nabona  ache te London te.

Etia tai laga vast scientific aro personal papers khan etu te first draft tai laga bestselling “A Brief History of Time” aro tai laga  correspondence leading scientist logote Cambridge University’s library te thakibo.

Hawkins para PHD toh Cambridge te kurishe aro university’s Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, etu eki post issac newton para 1669 para 1702 te thura toh hoishe.

Motor neuron beemar paikena 22 umar te aro olop sal diya pichede zinda thakibole niemte hawking toh  bishi sal para bachikena thakishe.2018 te 76 umar te mura pichede.

Tai laga  work space, time and black holes laga mysteries te etu bi bishi manu khan ke tanishe aro tai laga sob janaa  kitaab  para  celebrity bonaishe  academia  laga  preserve te.hollywood para tai laga  jeeven toh2014 biopic “The Theory of Everything” te manishe.