Tuensang, 21 April: State government officials nemite Sensitization & Awareness campaign te programme toh Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 te loise. Etu toh Town Hall Tuensang jaga te Mission Mode Team (Accessible India Campaign) para State Commissioner for PwDs laga office logote meli kena 20 April 2022 te loise. Programme te heads of government departments, leaders of NGOs, aro Church leaders thakise.
Diethono Nakhro, State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities para ekta speech toh RPwD Act 2016 overview, Status of Implementation & Way forward te kowa thakise. Tai para be RPwD Act 2016 toh khali government functionaries nemite nahoi hoilebe etu te private, religious and NGOs, aro tusara social institutions meli kena ase koise. PwDs te negative attitude toh ami khan laga society te etiya be thaki ase, bsi PwD bacha khan education systems te trained teachers, infrastructural accessibilities, curriculum, etc nesana te kami nemite access hobole dekthari pai ase koise aro etu te sabole/kotha koribole lakiya toh ase koise. Tai para be District committee, assessment committee bonabole aro accessibilities for PwDs, aro awareness on accessibility on health and employment grounds opor te koise. Apila Sangtam, Advocate Guwahati High Court Kohima Bench para be Court Directives/ Legal implication of Non-compliance te koise. Tai para Supreme Court laga directives, rights and entitlement, education aro skill development & employment te koise. Tai para be Writ Petition, duties aro appropriate institutions laga zamidari aro RPwD Act 2016 under te offenses aro penalties opor te koise. Sensitization & awareness campaign laga introduction te K Libanthung Lotha, Secretary to the Government of Nagaland & Team leader Mission Mode Team (AIC) para kotha kora thakise aro Kumar Ramnikant, DC Tuensang para programme te chaired thakise.
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