Headlines Nagaland Tuensang

Tuensang te Covid-19 Vaccine Post-Introduction Evaluation Meeting loise

Tuensang, 21 April: Tuensang District Task Force for COVID -19 para ekta meeting toh center para ekta team of Post COVID logote DC’s Conference Hall Tuensang jaga te 20th April 2022 te loise. Meeting te Kumar Ramnikant, DC & Chairman DTF Tuensang para chaired thaksie aro centre para visiting team te Dr. H K Das (ICMR), Dr. Laihlimpuii(WHO), Ms. Rekha Raj (UNICEF), aro Dr. EgumNsarangbe (JSI) logote spporting staff hisab te Dr. Mero (WHO) aro Nokching (UNICEF) meli kena thakise.

18th to 20th April 2022 tak tai khan para field activities lowa opor te uncovered District Immunization Office Tuensang, District Hospital Tuensang, PHC Srinagesh, CHC Shamator, Health, and Wellness Centre Sangphur, aro opor te janaideya Catchment community laga facilities khobor kora thakise.